Things made of wood, even things made of brick, steel, and stone -
They all disappear in time.
But plastic, plastic never goes away, not ever. Not plastic cups, nor Styrofoam, not utensils or straws, not plastic clips holding the end of plastic bread bags, nor the tiny plastic inserts in everything electronic, or your container of pills, or plastic food wrap, containers, jewelry and shoes; nor the plastic in cigarette filters...yes, there is plastic even in those. And though plastic may appear to disintegrate, it doesn't, it simply gets ground by abrasion, washed out to rivers, lakes, oceans ending in the stomachs of whales, dolphins, all manner of sea life, including birds. And all that life dies because their bellies are full of plastic, not one single nourishing bit of food.
Why on God's earth would man ever allow the travesty, the evil of plastic to be produced when there clearly was never an "exit strategy," a method or plan for disposal? And now that the evil of plastic is so widely understood why does man allow it to continue to be produced in massive quantities? Technology exists to replace ALL uses for plastic.
What on earth goes on in the minds of intelligent beings, in the minds of compassionate beings who care about this planet and all life on it to allow the continued production of billions of tons of plastic - all of which will remain long after all life on this planet has died?