Thursday, August 22, 2019

dogs in crates

Anyone who thinks it's okay to keep dogs in crates, EVER, has got shit for brains. Please don't get a dog, get a stuffed animal.  The only time dogs belong in cages is when you're taking them to the vet. A dog is part of the family, not something you stuff in a crate so it doesn't get your furniture dirty.

This stuffing dogs in crates for hours is relatively new, no doubt started by people who sell crates.  Dogs do not belong in cages, or chained up in the backyard.  If a dog isn't part of your family, I repeat, get a stuffed fluffy plush animal. You don't deserve a dog.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Good God CNN, what happened to your brain?

Just read a "federal report i.e. tRump's buddies in the power business" on CNN saying to keep your home between 78 and 85 degrees.  Sure,if you want to make sure you and your kids catch every cold and flu that comes along. Helps tRump's buddies in the pharm industry too - all those sniffles, colds, and flu - sure does.

Even 78 is way too warm for a home.... keep your home between 67, and maybe 70 if it's REALLY cold outside.... heat encourages the growth of everything from mold to respiratory distress to sleepy brains and sloth.  But boy, it sure helps the power companies!

You will be healthier if you maintain lower temps in your home...if you are chilly, put on a sweatshirt or a sweater.  Hard to believe that some people still think cold weather, even cold damp weather makes you catch colds and flus...bullshit... viruses do that and they grow best in heat.  Even bacterial infections thrive in heat.

Here in Lancaster PA the winter temps can get down to zero and often do.... my indoor thermometer never goes above 70 and that's rare, it's usually set at 68.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Well hell

I forgot to make a "bucket list."   I guess starting over at age six is out.

Went Marlin fishing early 20's... big exciting activity, unless of course you're the Marlin.  Caught a big ole Swordfish, beautiful fighter, bright blue colors in the sun.  Bruises up and down my legs, the fight was worth it. For me. Not so much for the Swordfish.  His body turned grey once he was mounted on the side of the boat.... they stuffed him and put his colors back.  Not so exciting after all...regretted it the moment he died.  For my entertainment.

So soon old, so late smart.. had a friend who used to say that..too bad I was too dumb to listen.  Killing wildlife, killing any life is unnecessary... that includes cattle, hogs, sheep, chickens, fish or any other living breathing organism we kill for a taste on the tongue...and that's all it's for because human beings have no requirement for meat, dairy, or eggs...NONE.

Went vegan three or four years ago, never been healthier. Am off ALL medications with exception of thyroid. No more high blood pressure, high cholesterol, acid reflux, restless leg syndrome. No more.

On another note, worried about climate change or just mouthing the words?  Animal agriculture is the single biggest contributor to climate change... millions of acres of forest, jungle, desert land have been destroyed, are being destroyed in the name of grazing animals.  Millions upon millions of gallons of water lost to animal agriculture.  What would the animals do? Well, if we stopped breeding them, they'd live normal life spans, just like we do.

If I had one bit of advice after decades of living, it would be "go vegan and do it now."