Saturday, August 10, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in his cell last night.

And if you believe that it was suicide, I have TWO bridges I want to sell you..... 

Monday, August 5, 2019

Hey, you want to see a bunch of real stupid people ?

Tune into ANY tRump rally.... look at them. 

Those people, every one of them, is too stupid to pour pee out of a boot.

That's why he became a republican... he said so himself.
tRump's NRA domestic terrorists etch more murders on their bedposts

Has tRump tweeted his thoughts and prayers yet? Has he come up with the way he's going to blame Obama for the domestic terrorists tRump inspired?  Obama banned gun sales to the mentally ill -  tRump reversed that ban as one of his first make amerika great again gifts to the NRA.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

How to Achieve a Perfect Driving Record

Got my first driver's license at the usual age of 16. It was January and I was living in Cheyenne, Wyoming with my mom and my uncles L.C. and Bill. 

Uncle Bill and L.C. - They teased me mercilessly from the time I was two until well, they never stopped. They took me out in the snow and ice that is always Cheyenne in January and taught me to drive.  The only time they stopped laughing was when they were telling me what to do. 

I paid attention because the one other thing I knew about them was that they loved me unconditionally since the day I was born.

  • Pay attention to driving, NOTHING else- know what is in front of you, beside you, behind you at all times.
  • Maintain a car's length for every ten MPH between your car and the car in front of you. If someone wants to pass, let them. Stay in the right lane unless passing and really, why pass? If you have to though make sure the road is clear many car lengths ahead. Never pass in rain, snow, sleet, fog.
  • Always signal when passing, changing lanes, turning, pulling out of a parking space.
  • When driving on snow or ice, NEVER stomp on the brakes. If you must stop or slow, tap the brakes gently. You should be traveling between 5 and 10 miles below the limit under those conditions in any event. 
  • Never accelerate on snow or ice. Slow and steady does it.
  • Pull to the right and stop if you see or hear lights and/or sirens coming from either direction.
Those lessons gave me - so far - 56 years of driving with no accidents and no moving violations.  I'd say Uncle L.C. and Bill did a damn fine job.


How you going to spin this one you fucking treasonous, filthy murdering bastards?  How you going to spin it?  

Get Moscow Mitch, give him enough money, he'll push anything through!


No one wants to be old
but everyone wants to get old.