Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This picture was taken 57 years ago. Mom and I were, well, a certain age.

Inez M. Shields (nee Weber) died two years ago this coming March.

We had a long stormy relationship. There were a lot of valid reasons for that most of the time, but now she's gone and oddly, I only seem to recall those moments when we laughed, there were quite a few. The other times, the bad stuff, it's over and doesn't matter so much anymore.

It would have been better if I could have opened my mind a bit to understand enough of life to comfort her better at the end of it. I don't know how to make up for that and I'm afraid it's too late now.

See you soon.


Anonymous said...

I think that we may be related. My dad is Bill Weber and my grandma is Mabel. My dad passed in Dec. 2002. Please let me know if we are? Thanks Charity

bugbytelove said...

Charity, you left your comment anonymously - I don't know how to contact you. Yes, I bet we are cousins. My uncle Bill lived in Tacoma for awhile I think, his wife's name was Cherie I believe? Please leave another message with your real email address. My email is geneva.cheryl at

I would love to meet you!

bugbytelove said...

Yes, grandma was Mabel Weber. There is a piece about her further down in this blog. Looking forward to meeting you Charity.

Portland Condos said...

That's a lovely captured picture. The mother and daughter are looking so attached with each other. Such a nice emotional picture is shared that can't be explained.