Sunday, September 15, 2019


My neighbor vapes. Of course I didn't know what that thing was the first time I saw it over a year ago.... just thought it was some new way to smoke that didn't exactly look like smoking. Had no further curiosity about it as once you get to my age and have encountered so much "new" stuff people suddenly become enamored with it is nothing more than boring.

One thing I have known and understood for a very long time is that water, particularly warm water that has encountered anything organic is the greatest environment for bacteria to grow in known to man.  That info is so old school I am flabbergasted by the big surprise so many people seem to have at the "sudden" really deadly illnesses they are are coming down with after vaping for a while.  Hey, you are sucking in old moldy water and that's going directly to your lungs.  No big surprise there.  It's old, really old science.

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