Monday, July 15, 2019

Well that didn't last long

The cross-stitch project is over.... now have so much arthritis pain in my hands and neck that I can barely move.... can probably give the kit away on Freecycle, but will do that later... now I have to stay down with the heating pad.  Didn't realize it would affect the neck and shoulders so much but no doubt from the head bent forward position taken when cross stitching.  Neck and shoulders are the only other place I have arthritis besides the thumbs and wrists. 

Looks like it's going to be difficult to find something to do that won't end up with me being immobile with pain.  Did take a 500 mg Naproxen but that's as far as I'll go with the meds... too hard on the tummy.

Guess I'll start cleaning up the garden tomorrow.... a bit early but as there are no pollinators my squash hasn't set any fruit, the tomato plants have produced very little fruit, and the flowering plants are thin and shabby.  Sunflowers did okay - at least the Goldfinches got something to eat.  As I have been gardening for over sixty years this is a huge blow.... thinking next year I'll do nothing....

I can't be the only one who writes and calls congress about the disaster that  Monsanto, Dow, Bayer and Syngenta are bringing to our planet. Can I?  People are still using Roundup in their yards... unfathomable to me.  Even if they don't bother with research, surely they can't have missed the several hundred million dollars in fines Monsanto has had to pay so far for lying about the dangers of Roundup... people working in the fields are coming down with cancer. How oblivious does a person have to be to just not KNOW that pouring poison on the earth, filling the air with it, poisoning all our waterways is sheer idiocy? I mean, is it that fucking important to have "perfect" produce?? The planet is dying. 

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